Grow taller by drinking milk

Well, you might have heard many times from your family and friends to drink milk and grow taller . But you don’t really believe that drinking milk could actually help you to grow taller. This article will tell you how drinking milk has an impact on height increase.

How Milk Helps You To Grow Taller?

Do you know that a glass of milk can provide 300mg of calcium to your body. Another fact is that calcium is the main component of the bones and thus plays a key role in human growth. Your bone cannot grow without calcium. So, these two facts clearly indicate that drinking milk has a great impact on your height increase.

Now that you know that calcium helps to grow your bones, you need to supply adequate calcium to your body. If you want to increase your height, you need longer and stronger bones. Your body requires 1000 mg of calcium per day to restore and maintain the bones and to get enough calcium, you need to drink milk everyday. Milk is an excellent natural source of calcium.

Does artificial calcium enhance height?

Cafe latte may contain milk, but it cannot provide the adequate calcium required by your body. Thus, drinking excess of cafe latte instead of milk, may cause stunted growth and bone problems. You may also find artificial calcium tablets and pills, but unlike the calcium present in the natural sources such as milk, they are poorly absorbed by the body. Thus, artificial calcium cannot really help you to increase your height.

Apart from drinking milk, you also need to consume other nutritional foods. Your growth depends on the type of food you eat. Therefore, a holistic diet is required for increasing your height.