How to grow taller by sprinting

Sprinting at high speeds yields quite a lot of human growth hormone. If you can run for longer time you will be able to generate more growth hormone. Based on scientific research it is known that you can grow up to 3 inches of height permanently using special stretching exercises regularly.When you sprint at hight speeds there are microfractures in your leg bones. These microfractures heal extremely fast ( a week ) resulting in bone remodelling and growth.

As per research a normal healthy bone remodels after every 3 years and whereas microfractured bone will take only a week to heal remodel. With high speed sprinting a lot of microfractures take place in the leg bones and the healing process starts very quickly. Thus high speed sprinting is considered to be one of the best exercises that can help you increase your height. Sprinting helps in increasing the length of leg bones , which in turn helps you grow taller naturally.

One of the oldest and most common advice given to people who wish to grow taller is to ask them to do intense bursts of exercise, specifically anaerobic to cause the pituitary gland to release an excess of HGH into the body. The other idea behind sprinting which was talked about for a while was that sprinting would lead to microfactures to be developed in the lower shin/ ankle area of the tibia which can then be stretched and healed or ossified leading to an increase in height.

I wanted to see what the sources on the Internet stated about sprinting and doing high intensity exercise for height increase.Many studies, such as the one published in “The Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism,” indicate that high-intensity exercises can make the body produce more growth hormone. This increased production of growth hormone, in conjunction with the following exercises, might help increase height naturally.