How To Grow Taller Quick

How many of you want you were 4 inches taller? How many of you want you can grow 4 inches real quick by sleeping? How many of you want to grow taller by sleeping? How many of you want to be tall enough to look more attractive? How many of you want to achieve 4 inches in less than a month?
Well I have good news for you, all of this is possible :)

It's not rocket science people. These are the things you have to do to grow taller.

1. Eat food with alot of calcium vitamin D and eat food rich in protein.
Milk, cheese, chicken breasts, fish, broccoli, yogurt ect.

2. Sleep Sleep and more sleep.
You have to sleep 8 hours and above to grow taller, every time we sleep we produce hgh and this helps us grow.

3. Exercises.
Sprinting, swimming, running, jumping, basketball ect.

By you doing these 3 steps you can see results real fast. Always remember before doing you exercises you have to stretch for about 15-30 minutes stretching helps you grow taller as it helps lenghten the bones.